Welcome to The Health Enthusiasts home.

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Thank you for visiting our site. We are excited to have you here.We are passionate about living a healthy lifestyle; body, mind and spirit. Our goal is to inspire you to do the same. To be part of our community click here.


One of our signature products is Sustainable Keto by RachelClick here for more info.


Let us help you achieve the tansformation and confidence you have been craving.


Here is a preview of our two main spaces. The community and the Sustainble Keto by Rachel program. To learn more about each space go to view details.

Sustainable Keto by Rachel Community
Sustainable Keto by Rachel Community
Resource and interaction space for those on Keto, those not on keto but would like to hit their healthy weight goals and sustain them long term.
Sustainable Keto by Rachel
USD 99.00 / Month
Sustainable Keto by Rachel
Six months Sustainble Keto program with Rachel

Rachel, The health enthusiast

I’m Rachel,I’m a wife, mother of two great kids and a healthy living enthusiast. I strive to live a healthy life and inspire others to do the same. The Health Enthusiasts started as a blog to share with you some of the things I’ve learned and continued to learn in my healthy living journey. One of the biggest challenges I overcame was being overweight. I was convinced that getting to my weight goal was going to be a lifetime goal.

Fortunately, that was not the case. I lost 67 pounds in 4 years. Not the fastest pace, but I crossed the finish line.  I did some things right, made mistakes along the way and finally found what worked for me both short term and long term. I now know how to gain, lose, and maintain my weight.

A lot of people who knew me when I was overweight see me now and are surprised by the change. They want to know the secret, what I did to lose weight, and how I can help them. 

The answer is there is no secret, and yes, I can help. That is why I started Sustainable Keto by Rachel, to help other people who want to live healthier, achieve a healthy weight, lose fat especially belly fat, and reach their overall health goals.


I hope that the experience and information shared here will help you get to your fitness goals and live a healthier life.


Sustainable Keto by Rachel Program

Amazing Lifetime Deal

 Interested in our Six months Sustainble Keto program with Rachel ?